Tag: UX
Methodological vs. Methodical. It Makes a Difference
Published: June 23, 2020
As you might be inclined to think given our name, a lot of groundbreaking stuff comes from behind the doors of the Brand Labs. OK, so it’s less a lab and more a space conducive to solving all things development and eCommerce, but we assure you it’s no less science-y!
Categories: Brand Labs, Design, Design / UX, Ecommerce Tips
Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, brand, collaboration, communication, core values, Discovery, eCommerce, environment, methodical, Methodological, mindfulness, simplicity, UX, vision
The Brand Question: To Evolve Or Not To Evolve
Published: May 20, 2020
Ever come across an old picture of yourself? What were you wearing? How about that hair? And your reaction? Exactly. We’ve all been there and we’ve all had the same reaction: Wow. I was awesome! (We’re actually laughing because we only wish that’s how it went. It usually ended with something like, “Please don’t post this anywhere”). Honestly, the analogy alone is enough to answer the question of why it’s important to evolve your brand...
Categories: Design, eCommerce Marketing & Strategy
Tags: brand, branding, collateral, design, development, Evolve, logos, marketing, stationery, strategy, UX
Where should online stores begin: UX, design or development?
Published: April 24, 2020
Though it’s really first, we put it last, as we like to say, because when you unravel the UX, successful websites follow. But if each one is unique, tells its own story and a work of art connecting with the end user on a personalized level, just exactly where should you begin with an online store?
Categories: Design / UX
Tags: backend, code, design, development, eCommerce, online store, Sales, UI, UX
“Website Discovery” and How It Helps You
Published: April 24, 2020
Like the discovery process in the legal world, discovery in the website world works in exactly the same way and seeks to avoid or eliminate one thing: surprises! The more information that can be “discovered” from a strategic and functionality perspective for a website, the better the outcome.
Categories: Design / UX
Tags: Blueprint, competitor, compliance, conversion, cost, Discovery, eCommerce, enhancements, functionality, insights, integration, objectives, performance, scope, solutions, strategy, UX