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Tag: performance

Disclosing Your Budget: Good Practice or Bad Habit?

Published:  October 15, 2020

When the budget is disclosed upfront, the right questions can be asked, and expectations identified, the scope of work begins to take shape, allowing us to specifically identify functionality, performance and the necessary development to make it all happen.

Categories:  Brand Labs News, Brand Labs' Clients, eCommerce Marketing & Strategy, Ecommerce Tips

Tags:  Blueprint, Budget, development, digital marketing, disclosure, Discovery, eCommerce, expectations, functionality, performance, scope, transparency, visibility

“Website Discovery” and How It Helps You

Published:  April 24, 2020

Like the discovery process in the legal world, discovery in the website world works in exactly the same way and seeks to avoid or eliminate one thing: surprises! The more information that can be “discovered” from a strategic and functionality perspective for a website, the better the outcome.

Categories:  Design / UX

Tags:  Blueprint, competitor, compliance, conversion, cost, Discovery, eCommerce, enhancements, functionality, insights, integration, objectives, performance, scope, solutions, strategy, UX

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