Tag: Budget
To Generalist or to Specialist. This is the eCommerce Agency Question.
Published: May 9, 2022
Piggybacking off our recent BrandKnow Vlog, A Good Project Manager Is Key to Project Success, there is much debate among this group about just exactly where the most value is added, comprehensive knowledge or a niche skillset? Much like anything, it comes down to the breadth-depth argument (or T-Shaped skills, if you’re feeling recruit-y). Or… <a class="more-link" href="https://www.brandlabs.us/2022/05/09/to-generalist-or-to-specialist-this-is-the-ecommerce-agency-question/">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">To Generalist or to Specialist. This is the eCommerce Agency Question.</span></a>

Categories: Brand Labs, Custom Development, eCommerce Marketing & Strategy, Ecommerce Tips
Tags: architecture, Blueprint, Budget, customer, eCommerce, Generalist, industry specific, long term, platform, PM, project manager, solution, specialist, strategy, T-shaped skills, users
What To Expect When Approaching An Agency
Published: April 1, 2022
With so many web design companies out there to choose from, it can be overwhelming trying to determine which one’s the right fit for your business. In the end, it’s no different than, say, hiring an employee or even selecting a contractor to work on a project at your own home. We’ll assume you’ve already… <a class="more-link" href="https://www.brandlabs.us/2022/04/01/what-to-expect-when-approaching-an-agency/">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">What To Expect When Approaching An Agency</span></a>

Categories: Brand Labs, Brand Labs News, Business news, eCommerce Marketing & Strategy, Ecommerce Tips, Featured
Tags: architects, Budget, contracts, design, development, Discovery, implementation, PM, product manager, project manager, scope, timeline
A Good Project Manager Is Key to Project Success
Published: February 23, 2022
If you’re looking at it internally, you might think of a project manager as someone who assigns you something then just checks in to see where the project’s at, if it’s on schedule and when they might expect it before calling it a day. Fortunately for us all, there’s so much more to it than… <a class="more-link" href="https://www.brandlabs.us/2022/02/23/a-good-project-manager-is-key-to-project-success/">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">A Good Project Manager Is Key to Project Success</span></a>

Categories: Brand Labs, Brand Labs News
Tags: architect, architecture, Blueprint, Budget, design, Platform Migration, PM, project manager, SEO, timelines
Disclosing Your Budget: Good Practice or Bad Habit?
Published: October 15, 2020
When the budget is disclosed upfront, the right questions can be asked, and expectations identified, the scope of work begins to take shape, allowing us to specifically identify functionality, performance and the necessary development to make it all happen.

Categories: Brand Labs News, Brand Labs' Clients, eCommerce Marketing & Strategy, Ecommerce Tips
Tags: Blueprint, Budget, development, digital marketing, disclosure, Discovery, eCommerce, expectations, functionality, performance, scope, transparency, visibility