Vintage Trailer Supply
Selling the Past Far Into the Future
Platform migration from Volusion to BigCommerce
The Purpose
The name says it all: Vintage. Trailer. Supply. The industry’s general store for all things vintage trailer, whether wheels, awnings, parts, handles and more, serving thousands of customers each year, shipping internationally every day.
- Platform Migration
- Custom Web Development
- Platform Evaluation
- User Experience Strategy
- Website Redesign
- Technical SEO Support
- Platform Migration Evaluation page
- Ongoing Support
- Solution Blueprint
- UX Design page
- UX and SEO Audit page

The Observation
With an online catalog that is by far the largest in the industry, and Vintage Trailer Supply’s continued expansion in response to the growing vintage trailer lifestyle, it had outgrown its current platform. From the client’s perspective, not only had it gotten more expensive, they felt it lacked the advanced integration and applications needed to source and sell vintage parts.

The Approach
Vintage is as vintage does. We answered with a whimsical, fresh design befitting of Vintage Trailer Supply’s image (a top priority for them) but with a backend that is far ahead of its time, allowing Vintage Trailer Supply to sell the past far into the future and continue as the leading experts on period-correct parts and complimentary modern upgrades.

The Solution
- Migration from Volusion to BigCommerce
- Design that displays new and featured products on the home page
- Shipping features, like hazardous shipping flags with custom memos and variable fees
- Customization fields for Product Price Name, Price Subtext and Product Availability
- Dynamic cart display for out of stock products (hidden but still on storefront)
- Cross-platform mapping of inventory
- Customized functionality: Description Above Price, Multi-child Add to Cart, Free Accessories

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