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Category: Design

Brand Labs’ New Website. More Than Just a Pretty (Inter)face.

Published:  January 17, 2022

Before (or until) people really got all into the backend side of the internet, diving into all things interface, experience and the mechanics behind them, many might visit a favorite site to find it had been updated with a fresh coat of paint. Many might even pass it off as nothing more than just the… <a class="more-link" href="">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Brand Labs’ New Website. More Than Just a Pretty (Inter)face.</span></a>

Categories:  Brand Labs, Brand Labs News, Custom Development, Design, Design / UX, Featured

Tags:  Backend Development, Custom Website Design, custom website development, Custom WordPress Website, Design and Development Agency, Update Website, User Experience

What is UX/UI

Published:  January 11, 2022

There’s only one commonality between UX and UI. Can you spot the obvious? That’s right – U. As in you are both the user in the experience and the interface (UI) and, thus, the motivation behind making it as flawless as can be. That’s got to make you feel pretty special, huh. So, what are… <a class="more-link" href="">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">What is UX/UI</span></a>

Categories:  Design, Design / UX, eCommerce Marketing & Strategy

Tags:  eCommerce User Experience, eCommerce User Interface, UI, UI design, User Experience, User Interface, UX design, UX/UI

Looking Back on 2021

Published:  December 15, 2021

Looking back on 2021, the team at Brand Labs reflect on their work, their partners and the people that made such a great year possible! Discover some of the projects the team has worked on to position Brand Labs as a frontrunner in UX/UI Design, custom Development, SEO, and platform migration.

Categories:  Brand Labs, Brand Labs' Clients, Custom Development, Design, Design / UX, Featured, SEO

Tags:  2021 Accomplishments, eCommerce website development, Migration, SEO, UX/UI Design, UX/UI Development, Website design, Website Development

Methodological vs. Methodical. It Makes a Difference

Published:  June 23, 2020

As you might be inclined to think given our name, a lot of groundbreaking stuff comes from behind the doors of the Brand Labs. OK, so it’s less a lab and more a space conducive to solving all things development and eCommerce, but we assure you it’s no less science-y!

Categories:  Brand Labs, Design, Design / UX, Ecommerce Tips

Tags:  AI, artificial intelligence, brand, collaboration, communication, core values, Discovery, eCommerce, environment, methodical, Methodological, mindfulness, simplicity, UX, vision

The Brand Question: To Evolve Or Not To Evolve

Published:  May 20, 2020

Ever come across an old picture of yourself? What were you wearing? How about that hair? And your reaction? Exactly. We’ve all been there and we’ve all had the same reaction: Wow. I was awesome! (We’re actually laughing because we only wish that’s how it went. It usually ended with something like, “Please don’t post this anywhere”). Honestly, the analogy alone is enough to answer the question of why it’s important to evolve your brand...

Categories:  Design, eCommerce Marketing & Strategy

Tags:  brand, branding, collateral, design, development, Evolve, logos, marketing, stationery, strategy, UX

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